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Imagine living in a world where new technology makes traveling, whenever and wherever you want easier, safer, cleaner, and cheaper. This world operates very differently from today. For example most cars are electric or drive themselves (yet don't crash into each other!) and computers monitor all the traffic lights to determine how fast or slow you go. Cars, buses, trains, and planes, which carry you to home or work, move more quietly and efficiently and emit less pollutants.

Technology that drives transportation choices occurs at different rates and levels across North Carolina.

Click on the following places to learn more about what the future may look like in each area.

Path to 2050

Move into the Innovative future by clicking the button below or dragging the page.


  • Rideshare services such as Uber and Lyft are increasing in popularity, causing a reduction in teen driver license applications.
  • Autonomous truck technologies are being piloted in North Carolina by Volvo on the Triangle Expressway.


  • Population growth and increased travel are expected to demand nearly $110 billion dollars in statewide transportation needs. Additional investments in highway capacity and stronger, longer-lasting bridges and pavement make up almost one-third of this estimate.
  • However, if the impact of technology occurs faster than expected, North Carolina’s transportation system may require fewer new travel lanes, operate more efficiently, offer more travel choices and see more goods shift to being transported by rail and air.
  • Such a scenario could result in up to a 15 percent reduction of anticipated transportation needs through 2030, which means the cost savings could go toward supporting data, devices and sensors that provide real time information to better manage the state’s network.


If this innovative environment is realized in the next 10 years, what choices would you make differently from today?

Would these choices be informed with more convenient, affordable and environmentally friendly transportation options?


  • Highly connected communication devices guide driverless vehicles to move at the same speed and distance from each other.
  • Air taxis and high-speed transit are scheduled on demand, carrying people and goods faster and without congestion.
  • More people in urban and rural areas are connected to convenient, reliable transportation services, which change how North Carolinians live, work and play.
  • North Carolina’s 2050 transportation needs may be only slightly more than 2030 needs due to this highly-connected system which makes travel effortless.


If this innovative environment is realized by 2050, what choices would you make differently from today?

How would your choices be influenced by constantly evolving and improving technology?

Do you think this future may take longer to realize? Could it possibly be unaffordable for the average North Carolinian?

Strategies & Actions

To prepare for this potential future, the NC Moves 2050 Plan proposes a set of objectives, strategies and actions that aim to provide a responsive, diverse and inclusive transportation system.

Objectives - Overarching investment strategies and policy themes to address multiple needs.

Strategies - Guiding principles to carry out the objectives consistent with NCDOT goals, executive priorities and NC Moves 2050 goals.

Actions - Specific planning, policy and partnership recommendations to prepare North Carolina’s transportation system for future change. Each action will be implemented in one of three tiers, based on the readiness, risk, resources and partnerships for each action. Tier 1 actions will be fully implemented in the next ten year and are already being implemented, have planning or strategy development underway, require minor resources, and follow commitment with recent plans. Tier 2 actions focus on the next 20 years until 2040. Tier 3 actions look even further out to the next 30 years until 2050.

Click on each objective to learn about the strategies and actions that NCDOT will take to address the Innovative Future.

Implementation of NC Moves 2050

NCDOT is working closely with partners and stakeholders to identify resources and staff support that will make these actions real and effective. As with any planning endeavor, these changes will not occur overnight but require steady, disciplined progress and accountability to achieve and realize results.

Learn more about the Implementation Plan for NC Moves 2050

Last updated Feb. 15, 2021