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Imagine living in a world where economic, public health, environmental and climate uncertainties routinely impact transportation use, how and where work occurs, and where people live and socialize. This future could unfold in many ways and impact people and transportation differently. In the past five years, North Carolina has experienced some of these disruptions to everyday life through hurricanes, like Matthew and Florence, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

The impacts of an unstable future are difficult to predict; however, based on recent experiences and our understanding of projected population growth in North Carolina, the risks vary by location across the state.

Click on the following places to learn more about what the future may look like in each area.

Path to 2050

Move into the Unstable future by selecting the button below.


  • Global events like COVID-19 have caused a change in transportation patterns resulting in lower gas tax revenue.
  • Severe hurricanes and flooding events, like Hurricane Florence in 2018, impacted coastal areas economies and created ongoing damage to communities and infrastructure.
Flooded road


  • Population growth and increased travel are expected to result in nearly $110 billion dollars in statewide transportation needs.
  • Additional investments in highway capacity and stronger, longer lasting bridges and pavement make up almost one-third of this estimate.
  • However, if more frequent events occur requiring NCDOT to routinely close and repair infrastructure, an additional $2.5 billion could be needed through 2030.
  • It is also possible that the economic impacts of these events could reduce revenue (gas taxes, tolls, etc.) for transportation, creating a wider gap between transportation needs and the amount of resources available to pay for them.


If this unstable environment becomes more pronounced in the next 10 years, what choices would you make different from today?

How would those choices be influenced by dependable internet connections, household deliveries and services?


  • Choices could be strongly shaped by recent and ongoing events that are impacting North Carolina's economy, transportation system and quality of life.
  • The transportation system will need to be more flexible and able to adapt to different types of travel demand and maintain reliable service, even during statewide or local disruptive events.
  • North Carolina's economic growth slows as a result of these events, potentially displacing some rural communities as a result of repeated severe storms or other climate impacts.
  • Transportation needs through 2050 will focus less on new systems and capacity, as the growth in travel demand will be slower, and focus more on keeping the system operating, keeping people safe, and enabling the flow of goods and emergency personnel.


If this unstable environment is realized by 2050 what choices would you make different from today?

How would your choices be influenced by events like pandemics, economic recessions, severe storms or climate change?

How important is it for North Carolina to stay ready and proactively address the risks within this future?

Strategies & Actions

To prepare for this potential future, the NC Moves 2050 Plan proposes a set of objectives, strategies and actions that aim to provide a responsive, diverse and inclusive transportation system.

Objectives – Overarching investment strategies and policy themes to address multiple needs.

Strategies – Guiding principles to carry out the objectives consistent with NCDOT goals, executive priorities and NC Moves 2050 goals.

Actions – Specific planning, policy and partnership recommendations to prepare North Carolina’s transportation system for future change. Each action will be implemented in one of three tiers, based on the readiness, risk, resources and partnerships for each action. Tier 1 actions will be fully implemented in the next ten year and are already being implemented, have planning or strategy development underway, require minor resources, and follow commitment with recent plans. Tier 2 actions focus on the next 20 years until 2040. Tier 3 actions look even further out to the next 30 years until 2050.

Click on each objective to learn about the strategies and actions that NCDOT will take to address the Unstable Future.

Implementation of NC Moves 2050

NCDOT is working closely with partners and stakeholders to identify resources and staff support that will make these actions real and effective. As with any planning endeavor, these changes will not occur overnight but require steady, disciplined progress and accountability to achieve and realize results.

Click here to learn more about the Implementation Plan for NC Moves 2050

Last updated Feb. 15, 2021