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Leased Vehicles

In cases in which a vehicle is being leased in North Carolina, the vehicle's owner and operator share the responsibilities of titling and registering the vehicle.

Leased vehicles are titled in the name of the lessor – the legal owner of the vehicle. The license plate, however, can be issued to the lessor or the lessee – the individual leasing the vehicle – depending on who carries the liability insurance.

To title and register a leased vehicle, the title applicant must:

  • Submit required documents
  • Have the vehicle undergo an emissions inspection
  • Pay relevant vehicle registration and license plate fees

Requirements & Documents

The required documents to obtain a title for a leased vehicle depend on whether:
  • The vehicle is to be licensed in the lessor's name
  • The vehicle is to be licensed in the lessee's name
  • The lessee is moving to North Carolina

Identification is required for all services processed in person.

Vehicle to Be Licensed in Lessor's Name

If a vehicle is to be licensed in the name of the legal owner of the vehicle (the lessor), the documents in the table below are required.

Vehicle to Be Licensed in Lessee's Name

If a vehicle is to be licensed in the name of the individual leasing the vehicle (the lessee), the documents in the following table are required.

Lessee is Moving to North Carolina

If the individual leasing the vehicle (the lessee) is moving to North Carolina, the documents in the following table are required.

Emissions Inspection

The vehicle must pass a state emissions inspection by an authorized inspection station before a North Carolina license plate is issued. Emissions inspection is not required for out-of-state or Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin title processes.

Fees & Taxes

A Certificate of Title fee and taxes must be paid on the vehicle as well as applicable license plate fees. (View a list of current vehicle fees.)

Last updated Jul. 19, 2019

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