Page ContentThe Piedmont Improvement Program included adding up to two daily passenger-train round trips between Raleigh and Charlotte for a total of five round trips daily, building new bridges for trains to cross over or under vehicular traffic, and closing some railroad crossings. Table CaptionProjectLocationDescriptionMorrisville Parkway grade separationCary/Morrisville Elimination of the street-level railroad crossing and construction of a railroad bridge over Morrisville Parkway.Hopson Road gradeseparation and passing siding Durham/MorrisvilleElimination of the street-level railroad crossing and construction of a railroad bridge over Hopson Road in Durham as well as a 3-mile passing siding track.Graham to Haw River passing sidingGraham to Haw RiverConstruction of a 2-mile passing siding track.McLeansville Road grade separationMcLeansvilleElimination of three street-level railroad crossings and construction of a highway bridge carrying McLeansville Road over the North Carolina Railroad tracks.Double Track projectThomasville to LexingtonA 4-mile second main track between Thomasville and Lexington.Upper Lake Road grade separationThomasville to LexingtonElimination of the street-level railroad crossing and construction of a highway bridge carrying Upper Lake Road over the North Carolina Railroad tracks in Davidson County.Turner Road grade separationThomasville to LexingtonElimination of the street-level railroad crossing and construction of a highway bridge carrying Turner Road over the North Carolina Railroad tracks in Davidson County.Duke Curve Track improvementsLinwoodReconstruction of railroad tracks south of Linwood Rail Yard and north of the bridge over Yadkin River to improve train speeds and reduce travel time.Klumac Road grade separationSalisbury to KannapolisElimination of the street-level railroad crossing and construction of a railroad bridge over Klumac Road in Salisbury.Double Track project and Kimball Road extensionSalisbury to KannapolisConstruction of 10 miles of a second track between Salisbury and Kannapolis as well as the extension of Kimball Road in Landis/China Grove with a bridge carrying the railroad tracks over Kimball Road.Peeler Road grade separationSalisbury to KannapolisElimination of the street-level railroad crossing and construction of a highway bridge carrying Peeler Road over the North Carolina Railroad tracks in Rowan County.Double Track projectHarrisburg to CharlotteConstruction of approximately 12 miles of a second track from Harrisburg to Charlotte.Pharr Mill Road grade separationHarrisburg to CharlotteElimination of the street-level railroad crossing and construction of a highway bridge carrying Pharr Mill Road over the North Carolina Railroad tracks in Cabarrus County.Roberta Road grade separationHarrisburg to CharlotteElimination of the street-level railroad crossing and construction of a highway bridge carrying a new extension of Roberta Road over the North Carolina Railroad tracks in Harrisburg.Caldwell Park DriveHarrisburg to CharlotteElimination of the street-level railroad crossing and the extension of Caldwell Park Drive in Cabarrus County to provide alternate access.Caldwell Road grade separationHarrisburg to CharlotteElimination of the street-level railroad crossing and construction of a highway bridge carrying Caldwell Road over the North Carolina Railroad tracks in Cabarrus County.Grier Road grade separationHarrisburg to CharlotteElimination of the street-level railroad crossing and construction of a highway bridge over the North Carolina Railroad tracks at Grier Road in Charlotte.Private crossing safety initiative15 projects in various locationsClosure of or addition of alternate access to more than a dozen street-level railroad crossings to reduce the risk of vehicle-train collisions at privately owned street-level crossings through closure and alternate access.Raleigh Union Station track workRaleighTrack construction to support a new Raleigh Union Station.Capital Yard maintenance facility expansionRaleighExpansion of the existing maintenance facility to accommodate additional equipment and servicing of the Piedmont fleet.Charlotte Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance FacilityCharlotteConstruction of a new locomotive and passenger railcar maintenance facility to support additional passenger service.Passenger rail equipmentAddition of five refurbished locomotives, nine railcars and two cab control units for expanded Piedmont passenger rail services.Station improvementCaryEnlarged building space, allowing a bustling, full-service Amtrak Station served by Cary transit; extension of the boarding platform.Station improvementBurlingtonA 200-foot extension of the boarding platform to allow passengers to board more safely and quickly.Station improvementsHigh PointStabilization of the slope above the tracks, addition of 27 parking spaces, and landscaping improvements. Station improvementsKannapolisConstruction of a canopy to provide shelter and a safer boarding area for train passengers.Station improvementCary, Durham, BurlingtonAddition of passenger information display systems. Last updated Oct. 27, 2020