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Transportation Mobility & Safety

​The Transportation Mobility and Safety Unit consists of six units and an administrative section that are responsible for ensuring the safe and efficient movement of traffic on North Carolina's roadways.

Intelligent Transportation Systems & Signals

The Intelligent Transportation Systems and Signals Unit  oversees the planning, analysis, design and implementation of traffic signals, computerized signal systems and intelligent transportation system technologies on the North Carolina highway system. 

Oversize/Overweight Permits

The Oversize/Overweight Permits Unit issues permits for vehicles traveling in the state that exceed size and weight limitations. The primary goals of the unit are to protect the safety of the public and preserve the integrity of our state roads and infrastructure while supporting the state’s economy.

In addition, the unit works with the 14 division engineers across North Carolina to issue permits for house moves, and works with the state’s community colleges to train and certify escort drivers. Other states use the escort-driver certification program as a model.

Signing & Delineation Unit

The Signing and Delineation Unit is responsible for designing permanent signs, pavement markings and other traffic control devices that delineate highways on North Carolina's transportation system. The unit also oversees the Department's Tourist-Oriented Directional Signing Program, which involves installing along roadways signs related to tourist attractions.

Congestion Management

The Congestion Management Unit works with the 14 highway divisions to develop and implement strategies to manage congestion on North Carolina's highways and evaluates their effectiveness. 

Work Zone Traffic Control

The Work Zone Traffic Control Section designs plans to manage motor vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians traveling through construction, maintenance and utility work zones. 

Municipal & School Transportation Assistance

The Municipal and School Transportation Assistance Section provides traffic engineering analysis and expertise to municipalities with a population less than 50,000 as well as public schools, private schools and colleges.

Traffic Safety Unit 

The Traffic Safety Unit works with the 14 highway divisions to implement and evaluate strategies to reduce crashes on North Carolina's roadways.  This includes investigating fatal crashes and establishing speed limits, parking restrictions and truck restrictions and prohibitions. The unit also administers the federally mandated and funded Highway Safety Improvement Program. 

Traffic Systems Operations Unit

The Traffic Systems Operations Unit uses signal system timing, incident management, intelligent transportation systems, and public information strategies to improve the flow of traffic on the state’s roads.  

Last updated Jul. 20, 2021