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Maintenance & Operations

​​The Division of Highways' Maintenance & Operations Section works to ensure North Carolina's roadways and bridges are properly maintained and running smoothly.

State Asset Management

The State Asset Management Unit develops and implements a comprehensive strategy for keeping North Carolina's transportation system in as good or better condition than it is now while making the most efficient use of taxpayer dollars.

Examples of the N.C. Department of Transportation's assets include highways, bridges, equipment and rest areas.

Pavement Management

The Pavement Management Section has three main activities:

  • Collecting data on roadway pavement to determine its condition
  • Developing designs for the pavement in new highways and for existing pavements that need to be replaced or improved
  • Maintaining the Pavement Management System database and reports that help determine needs

State Maintenance Operations

The State Maintenance Operations Section develops uniform maintenance policies and procedures to support the 14 highway divisions in statewide programs that include:

Right of Way

The Right of Way Branch is responsible for purchasing all necessary property and right of way for state construction projects. This includes appraising property, providing relocation advisory services and property management.

Roadside Environmental Unit

The Roadside Environmental Unit is responsible for the aesthetic and environmental elements, including landscape design, development and maintenance along North Carolina's highway system as well as the dozens of rest areas across the state.

In addition, the unit oversees several of the N.C. Department of Transportation's environmental programs and initiatives, including:

  • Wildflower Program
  • Adopt-a-Highway
  • Sponsor-a-Highway
  • Scenic Byways

The Roadside Environmental Unit is also responsible for hazardous materials management and remediation for soil and groundwater cleanup at former asphalt testing laboratories.

Structures Management

The Structures Management Unit is responsible for the design, construction, maintenance and inspection of bridges retaining walls, pedestrian bridges, culverts and sign supports and other structures on the state's highway system.

Last updated Nov. 20, 2020