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​​Any messages that contain vulgar, profane, racist, sexist, lewd or personally threatening language will not be answered. NCDOT reserves the right to close a message if the conversation becomes irrelevant, harassing, misinforming or otherwise inappropriate.Any messages that contain vulgar, profane, racist, sexist, lewd or personally threatening language will not be answered. NCDOT reserves the right to close a message if the conversation becomes irrelevant, harassing, misinforming or otherwise inappropriate.​​Please note: Any messages that contain vulgar, profane, racist, sexist, lewd or personally threatening language will not be answered. NCDOT reserves the right to close a message if the conversation becomes irrelevant, harassing, misinforming or otherwise inappropriate.​

Process Agent

Physical Address

Transportation Building
1 S. Wilmington St.
Raleigh, NC 27601

Mailing Address

1501 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1501

Last updated Dec. 6, 2023