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Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program

​​The Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program is a legislatively mandated program run by the U.S. Department of Transportation to ensure disadvantaged businesses have the opportunity to do business with the N.C. Department of Transportation, which receives federal funding for transportation projects.

A disadvantaged business is classified as any business that:

  • Is 51 percent owned, operated and controlled by women or minorities (e.g., Black, Hispanic, Asian-American or American Indian)
  • Has not exceeded an average of $30.72 million in gross annual receipts over a three-year period
  • Is owned by women or minorities who have a personal net worth of less than $2.047 million
As part of its commitment to equal opportunity, NCDOT administers several programs that certify businesses as small and/or disadvantaged:

 *Information listed under “Managing Certification” on Certification Portal 

To become certified please visit the Certification Portal website. 

Certification Portal

​The N.C. Department of Administration administers the Historically Underutilized Business Program to promote economic opportunities for historically underutilized businesses in state government contracting and procurement. Businesses interested in becoming a certified HUB firm or recertifying as a HUB firm can visit the Historically Underutilized Businesses Certification website​ for more information.

Changes to the DBE Program were recently announced by the U.S. Department of Transportation. Visit USDOT's Final Rule Summary for more information on these changes.​​


Kimberly Pellom-Fennell

DBE Program Manager

1511 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1511

Last updated Dec. 18, 2024