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Project Highlights

​​​​The Raeford Road corridor in Fayetteville has a higher-than-average crash rate because motorists must cross several lanes of traffic to turn left. The department will reconstruct the road using a reduced conflict intersection design that will replace the open center turn lane with a raised median. 

Reduced conflict intersections​ reduce accidents by directing traffic from side streets or business driveways into right turns. Drivers then can make a U-turn at an intersection with a traffic light or another designated area. The design also reduces the risk of angled crashes, also known as T-bone collisions.

Other improvements to Raeford Road include:

  • Add a third travel lane westbound between Graham Road and Old Raeford Road
  • Add a third travel lane eastbound between Graham Road and Bunce Road
  • Upgrading the storm drainage system and building new concrete curbs and gutters
  • Replacing water and sewer lines under the road
  • Constructing sidewalks on both sides of the road
  • Redesigning the road’s T-intersection with Skibo Road, where traffic often backs up
  • Installing pedestrian signals and crosswalks at eight intersections

As part of the project, a southbound exit ramp will be built from the All American Freeway for motorists wanting to go west onto Raeford Road. The freeway’s existing southbound off-ramp will continue to be used to head east onto Raeford Road. The additional exit ramp will ease congestion on Raeford Road near the freeway’s overpass.

Construction Phasing

Due to the nature and complexity of this project, the work will be completed in these three phases, starting with segment A:

  • Segment A: Old Raeford Road to Bunce Road
  • Segment B: Bunce Road to Brighton Road
  • Segment C: Brighton Road to Robeson Street

To minimize traffic disruptions, the contractor will work on one ​portion of each segment – and only on one side of the road – at a time. When the contractor has completed the work on one side of the corridor for that segment, the contractor then will proceed on the other side of the road to complete that same segment.

Drivers should expect daytime or nighttime lane closures only where the contractor is performing work.

2/14/2025 1:03 PM