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Equity and Civil Rights for Communities


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Equity & Civil Rights

Resources to Help You Get the Outcomes Your Community Wants

There are laws and authorities that protect you from discrimination in transportation decisions. Civil rights laws and policies ensure that decision-makers—including those in transportation—consider the needs of all, including groups that have historically been underrepresented and underserved by past and current transportation programs, facilities or services. This includes racial and ethnic communities, low-income communities and people with disabilities.


Four diverse individuals standing together

Title VI/

Title VI/Nondiscrimination is part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin. This applies to any project that receives federal funding.

Family moving into a new home

Justice (EJ)

Environmental Justice, or EJ, is an executive order (No. 12898) rooted in Title VI that directs agencies to identify and address disproportionately high and adverse environmental and health impacts on low-income populations, and racial and ethnic communities.

Transportation worker assisting a woman with a disibility exit her vehicle

Americans With
Disabilities Act (ADA)

The Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA, prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities and ensures equal opportunity and access for this community. Accessible transportation systems further the goal of independence for people with disabilities.

Three individuals reading from a workbook

Limited English
Proficiency (LEP)

Limited English Proficiency, or LEP, is an executive order (No. 13116) that prohibits discrimination based on national origin by ensuring that individuals who do not speak English as their primary language may receive language assistance in order to have meaningful access to government programs and activities.

How you can get involved in Equity and Civil Rights for transportation projects

CLICK ON THE TABLE CELLS BELOW to learn what agencies are required to provide to the public and how these policies provide opportunities for you to get involved in Equity and Civil Rights for transportation projects.



Title VI/Nondiscrimination

  • Title VI plan to outline the agency's requirements, roles, method of administration, and analysis
  • Notice to the public of upcoming projects and methods to participate
  • At meetings/events when governmental organizations do transportation planning
  • At public meetings for projects affecting your community
  • Contact the agency

Environmental Justice

  • Meaningful public participation
  • At public meetings for projects affecting your community
  • Contact the agency

Americans with Disabilities Act

  • Accessible buildings, buses, trains, sidewalks, and more
  • When agencies provide transportation options, they must be accessible for persons with disabilities
  • Equity during participation
  • Through state and local disability councils
  • At public meetings for projects affecting your community
  • Contact the agency

Limited English Proficiency

  • LEP Plan outlining reasonable steps to serve and communicate effectively with LEP populations
  • Notice to the public of upcoming projects and methods to participate
  • Translations of materials and interpreters at public meetings
  • At public meetings for projects affecting your community
  • Contact the agency


      12/21/2023 2:31 PM