Project Overview
Public Comment
Planning and design are underway to widen a 14-mile stretch of N.C. 73 from two to four lanes between N.C. 115 (Old Statesville Road) and U.S. 29 (Concord Parkway North) in Mecklenburg and Cabarrus counties.
Planning, design and construction for the improvements will be completed as two separate projects, listed as R-2632AB and R-5706 in the N.C. Department of Transportation’s State Transportation Improvement Program.
The first project (R-2632AB) involves widening N.C. 73 (Sam Furr Road) from N.C. 115 (Old Statesville Road) to Davidson-Concord Road in Mecklenburg County to help reduce traffic congestion. Improvements would also include providing bicycle and pedestrian accommodations.
The second project (R-5706) involves widening N.C. 73 from Davidson-Concord Road in Mecklenburg County to U.S. 29 in Cabarrus County and would include multiuse paths for bicycles and pedestrians from Davidson-Concord Road to Interstate 85, and bicycle lanes and sidewalks from I-85 to US 29. The project is divided into two sections that have separate right of way and construction schedules but are being evaluated under one environmental document.
- Section A would widen N.C. 73 from east of Davidson-Concord Road to east of Poplar Tent Road near the Mecklenburg/Cabarrus county line.
- Section B would widen N.C. 73 from east of Poplar Tent Road to U.S. 29 in Cabarrus County.
Section A and Section B will be reprioritized for funding in the next
State Transportation Improvement Program. A schedule for right of way, utilities and/or construction has not been finalized at this time. However, preliminary engineering activities (design, planning, environmental studies) needed for project development are underway.
Project Funding
Right of way and utilities | $9,100,000
Construction costs
| $46,900,000
Total cost |
$56,000,000 |
Right of way and utilities
| $9,900,000
Construction costs
| $29,600,000
Total cost
| $39,500,000
Right of way and utilities (Unfunded)
| $77,300,000
Construction costs (Unfunded)
| $175,102,000
Total Cost
| $252,402,000
*Estimated costs based on the NCDOT Draft 2024-2033 STIP, subject to change
Project Timeline
Public meeting held
| January 2019
Environmental document approved
| Fall 2019
Public meeting held
| January 2020
Right-of-way acquisition begins
| Summer 2023
Construction begins
| Summer 2026
Public meeting held
| January 2019
Public meeting held
| January 2020
Environmental document approved
| January 2023
Right of way acquisition begins for Davidson-Concord Road in Mecklenburg County to Poplar Tent Road in Cabarrus County (R-5706A)
| Winter 2025
Construction begins for Davidson-Concord Road in Mecklenburg County to Poplar Tent Road in Cabarrus County (R-5706A)
Right of way acquisition begins for Poplar Tent Road to U.S. 29 in Cabarrus County (R-5706B)
| Summer 2028
*Future dates subject to change