Noise Wall Status
Phase 1
Phase 2
Under Evaluation
R-2829A (I-40 to south of Rock Quarry Road)
R-2829B (south of Rock Quarry Road to I-87/US 64/US 264)
When fully constructed, the Complete 540 project will extend the Triangle Expressway from the N.C. 55 Bypass in Apex to I-87/U.S. 64/U.S. 264 in Knightdale, completing the outer 540 loop around the greater Raleigh area.
The Complete 540 project is being constructed in two phases.
Phase 1 extended the Triangle Expressway approximately 18 miles from N.C. 55 Bypass in Apex to I-40/I-42.
Phase 1 of the Complete 540 project opened to traffic on Sept. 25, 2024.
Phase 2 of the project will extend the Triangle Expressway an additional 10 miles from I-40 to the existing I-540/I-87/U.S. 64/U.S. 264 interchange in Knightdale, providing the missing link to complete the 540 loop.
Phase 1 was built in three sections under three construction contracts as described below:
- N.C. 55 Bypass to east of Pierce Olive Road (Project R-2721A)
- East of Pierce Olive Road to east of U.S. 401 (Project R-2721B)
- East of U.S. 401 to I-40 (Project R-2828)
Phase 2 is being built in two sections under two construction contracts as described below:
- I-40/I-42 to south of Rock Quarry Road (Project R-2829A)
- South of Rock Quarry Road to I-540/I-87/U.S. 64/U.S. 264 (Project R-2829B)
Separate noise studies were prepared for each section. Noise studies for existing Triangle Expressway and Complete 540 Phase 1 have already been completed and the noise studies for Phase 2 are currently in development. The results of the final noise studies determine the locations, heights, and lengths of the noise walls recommended for construction.
What is the "Date of Public Knowledge?"
The Date of Public Knowledge of the location and potential noise impacts of a proposed highway project is the approval date of the final environmental document, e.g., Categorical Exclusion, state or federal Finding of No Significant Impact or state or federal Record of Decision.
The Date of Public Knowledge for the Complete 540 project (Phase 1 and Phase 2) was June 6, 2018, which is the date the final Record of Decision was issued by Federal Highway Administration.
NCDOT is not responsible for evaluating or implementing any noise barriers to protect developed lands that were not permitted before the Date of Public Knowledge.
The criterion for determining when undeveloped land is permitted for development is the approval date of a building permit for an individual lot or site. Approval of a development plan or any other development plan does not meet the permitted criteria.
Want to Learn More About Noise Walls?
Go to Noise Wall Frequently Asked Questions
Noise Wall Balloting Process
Once recommended noise wall locations are determined during the final noise analysis, all property owners and tenants who are benefited by a recommended noise wall will be asked to vote for or against construction of the wall. A property that benefits from a noise wall is one that will have at least a five decibel decrease in traffic noise with a noise wall in place.
The process of collecting votes for or against a noise wall is called balloting, and it is the last step in the noise wall approval process. During this time, the N.C. Department of Transportation will contact property owners and tenants who are eligible to vote and explain the balloting process and what they are being asked to vote on.
Recommended noise walls that pass the balloting process will be constructed. Balloting is not occurring for all noise walls at the same time.
Once balloting is complete for a noise wall, NCDOT will send a postcard to those who were asked to vote on the noise wall to let them know whether or not it passed.
R-2721A Noise Walls: N.C. 55 Bypass to East of Pierce Olive Road
The final noise study for this section of the project is complete. There are seven noise walls recommended for construction. Information on the noise walls can be found at the link below.
R-2721B Noise Walls: East of Pierce Olive Road to East of U.S. 401
The final noise study for this section of the project is complete. There are 11 noise walls recommended for construction. Information on the noise walls can be found at the link below.
R-2828 Noise Walls: East of U.S. 401 to I-40
The final noise study for this section of the project is complete. There are seven noise walls recommended for construction. Information on the noise walls can be found at the link below.
R-2829A Noise Walls: I-40/ I-42 to south of Rock Quarry Road
The final noise study for this section of the project is underway.
R-2829B Noise Walls: South of Rock Quarry Road to I-540/I-87/U.S. 64/U.S. 264
The final noise study for this section of the project is underway.
For more information about noise walls, please contact:
Tracy E. Roberts, AICP
Traffic Noise and Air Quality Group Leader
Environmental Analysis Unit
N.C. Department of Transportation
1598 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1598
Toll-Free Hotline: (800) 554-7849