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Public Hearing on Proposed Improvements to I-440 in Cary & Raleigh

8/8/2017 9:00 PM
PLEASE NOTE: This public meeting or public comment period occurred more than 30 days ago. This page is stored for historical and archiving purposes.

​​STIP Number U-2719

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Project Information

For more information on this project, go to the I-440 & Blue Ridge Road Improvements page​.
The N.C. Department of Transportation has scheduled the following public meeting and hearing for the public to comment on the Draft Environmental Assessment and project design maps for the proposed improvements to Interstate 440.

Aug. 8, 2017
Pre-hearing open house: 4-6:30 p.m.
Formal presentation: 7 p.m.

McKimmon Conference & Training Center
1101 Gorman St.
Raleigh, NC 27606

The formal hearing will include an explanation of the location of the detailed study alternatives, land acquisition and relocation requirements as well as project procedures.

The presentation and all comments will be recorded and included in a written transcript. These comments will be considered in the selection of the Preferred Alternative for the improvements along the project corridor.

NCDOT representatives will also be available at the public meeting to answer questions.

Public Meeting Materials

The following information will be available for review at the public Draft Environmental Assessment, along with maps showing the location of the detailed study alternatives, are available below:

The documents are also available for review at the following locations:

  • NCDOT Division 5 Office, 2612 N. Duke St., Durham
  • NCDOT Division 5 District 1 Office, 4005 District Drive, Raleigh
  • Method Community Park, 514 Method Road, Raleigh
  • Thomas Crowder Woodlands Center, 5611 Jaguar Park Drive, Raleigh
  • Athens Drive Community Library, 1420 Athens Drive, Raleigh
These documents were relevant for this public meeting in 2017, see the project site for the latest information.

NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled individuals who want to participate in these meetings. Anyone requiring such services should contact Diane Wilson, at (919) 707-6073, as early as possible so that arrangements can be made.

For individuals who speak only Spanish or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, interpretive services will be available at the meeting upon request. For more information, call 1-800-481-6494 prior to the meeting.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Public Notice

Permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the N.C. Department of Environmental Resources’ Division of Water Quality are required when a project will have an impact on streams and wetlands.

As a condition of the permits, NCDOT may be required to compensate for stream and wetland impacts. These measures could include restoring or enhancing degraded streams and wetlands in the project area watershed.

Under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, the Wilmington District of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has issued a public notice describing the ongoing process in choosing the Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative for the project.

The documents below provide application, review and recommendation information from the Corps of Engineers regarding this project.

These documents were relevant for this public meeting in 2017, see the project site for the latest information.Other Documents

U-2719_Public_Notice.pdf - Notice
U-2719_Athens_Dr_2017.pdf - Map
U-2719_Hillsboro_Wade_1_Flyover_2017.pdf - Map
U-2719_Hillsboro_Wade_2_Flyovers_2017.pdf - Map
U-2719_Hillsboro_Wade_Slight_Detour_2017.pdf - Map
U-2719_Jones_Franklin_Rd_2017.pdf - Map
U-2719_Ligon_St_2017.pdf - Map
U-2719_Melbourne_Rd_2017.pdf - Map
U-2719_South_of_I_40_2017.pdf - Map
U-2719_Wade_Blue_Ridge_Area_2017.pdf - Map
U-2719_Western_Blvd_2017.pdf - Map

These documents were relevant for this public meeting in 2017, see the project site for the latest information.​

Last updated Aug. 29, 2022