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NCDOT Contract Will Preserve Four Bridges in Edgecombe, Nash Counties

ROCKY MOUNT – Four bridges across the Twin Counties will undergo permanent repairs that will extend their service life.

American Contracting & Services Inc. of Jeffersonville, Indiana, recently received a $4.4 million contract from the N.C. Department of Transportation to do preservation work on the following bridges:

The work on the bridges will include repairing chips and pot holes and replacing a thin layer of the concrete on the deck; repairing or replacing expansion joints; painting the steel girders; and repairing any components below the deck that are beginning to deteriorate.

Most of the work will require lane closures, meaning drivers should expect delays crossing the bridges under flagging operations. Some of the work will require detours lasting up to four weeks because there is not enough room to conduct the repairs and safely maintain traffic on the bridges at the same time.
The NCDOT will announce the detours when they are scheduled on

The contractor can begin in September and will have two years to complete all of the preservation work.


8/9/2022 1:18 PM