MILLINGPORT – Next week, the intersection of N.C. 73 and Millingport Road will be converted to an all-way stop. The intersection currently requires traffic on Millingport Road to stop, but traffic on N.C. 73 currently does not have to stop. The change is being implemented to improve safety.
The switch will take place on Tuesday, June 28, weather permitting. The project includes installing stop signs and new pavement markings to supplement the existing signs on Millingport Road.
NCDOT has placed message boards on both sides of N.C. 73 approaching the intersection to advise motorists about the change.
Drivers approaching a four-way stop should follow these right of way rules:
- The first vehicle to the intersection has the right of way ahead of any vehicle that has not yet arrived;
- When two or more vehicles reach an intersection at the same time, the vehicle to the right has the right of way;
- The vehicle with the right of way may move straight ahead or, if legal and after signaling, turn left or right;
- When two facing vehicles approach an intersection at the same time, both drivers can move straight ahead or turn right. If one driver is going straight while the other wants to turn left, the driver who wants to turn left must yield. The driver who is traveling straight ahead has the right of way; and
- Even with the right of way, remember to use the appropriate turn signals and be careful to avoid hitting other vehicles and/or pedestrians.
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