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Johnston County Drainage Project Requires Temporary Highway Closure

GARNER – A developer needs to close N.C. 50 south of Garner April 8-11 to upgrade the drainage systems.

The N.C. Department of Transportation has required the developer of a new Food Lion at the intersection of N.C. 50 and N.C. 42, which is near the Wake-Johnston county line, to replace a crossline pipe with a larger one underneath N.C. 50.

The drainage improvement will necessitate the closure of N.C. 50 in both directions near N.C. 42.

The closure will begin at 7 p.m. April 8 and end at 6 a.m. April 11.

The marked detour will send highway traffic onto N.C. 42, Cleveland Road and Pierce Road.

Motorists should use caution near the work zone and factor the detour into their trips.


3/31/2022 2:52 PM