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Memorializing Lives Lost; Preventing Future Deaths

​RALEIGH – Almost 95 percent of roadway crashes are completely preventable. And as we approach the end of the year and prepare to memorialize the victims of roadway deaths during our 23rd annual ‘Tree of Life’ ceremony, the N.C. Governor’s Highway Safety Program​ (NCGHSP) remembers the lives lost over the years.

In 2019, 1,470 lives were lost, and 348 of those involved an impaired driver. For each of those lives lost and the lives before them, we are making a commitment to end preventable roadway deaths by working with our partners at the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Department of Insurance​, MADDNC​, and hundreds of law enforcement, first responders and volunteers to plant what will be a permanent Tree of Life at the Capitol grounds in Raleigh.

We cannot join together in person this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, but the public can register here ​for the virtual event that will be streamed online on Friday, Dec. 4, at 6 p.m.

NCGHSP is aiming for zero roadway deaths​, but our roads cannot be safe without your help!

  • If your activities involve alcohol, designate a sober driver, use public transportation, or call a ride share service.
  • If you know someone who is impaired by alcohol, prescription medication, or illegal drugs, don't let them get behind the wheel.
  • If you see an impaired driver, call 911.​


12/4/2020 8:12 AM