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Public Meeting for I-440/U.S. 70 (Glenwood Ave.) Interchange Improvements

RALEIGH – The N.C. Department of Transportation will host a public meeting later this month to unveil seven different concepts aimed at easing congestion and increasing safety and access at the Interstate 440/U.S. 70 (Glenwood Avenue) interchange. The project also calls for improvements at the intersection of Glenwood Avenue and Blue Ridge/Lead Mine roads.

This meeting is part of a new approach that NCDOT is taking for this project. Based on feedback from the public NCDOT held a series of workshops last September to gather input from the public and used those comments to drive the creation of these concepts.

This meeting is very early in the project process and public input will remain important in the design process. A contract for the project is scheduled to be awarded in 2025.

Maps of the seven proposals are on the NCDOT public meetings website. Area residents will have a chance to view them in detail at the meeting on Tuesday, June 25, from 4-7 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn, 3912 Arrow Drive.

No formal presentation will be made, but project staff will be available to answer questions and receive comments relative to the concepts throughout the duration of the meeting.

Anyone unable to attend the meeting can still offer comments via email or phone. They can be directed through July 25 to David Stark, NCDOT project manager, at or 919-707-6605.

NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate in the meeting. Anyone requiring special services should contact Diane Wilson, NCDOT Senior Public Involvement Officer at or 919-707-6073 as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made.

Persons who have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English may receive interpretive services upon request prior to the meeting by calling 1-800-481-6494.​


6/18/2019 1:06 PM