Ebony J. Pittman was named Deputy Secretary for Business Administration in June 2021. In her role, Pittman directs the N.C. Department of Transportation’s Office of Civil Rights, the Office of Historically Black Colleges and Universities Outreach, Purchasing and Facilities Management.
Pittman serves as co‐executive sponsor for NCDOT’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Group, which works to develop solutions that create a more diverse and inclusive culture within the department. As part of these efforts, she leads the workforce development workgroup and serves as the environmental justice lead for the agency.
Pittman has spent her career dedicated to public service in multiple areas of government. In addition to NCDOT, Pittman also served at the N.C. Department of Justice for 16 years, and the N.C. Human Relations Commission. Pittman is familiar with transportation issues and throughout her career, has provided legal support to NCDOT on a wide range of areas related to the use of highway right‐of‐way, state contracting and procurement, and personnel matters.
Pittman also served as legal counsel for the N.C. Turnpike Authority and supported the agency with the procurement and operation of innovative transportation solutions and technology. In this role, she coordinated with other state tolling agencies, private companies, and stakeholders to develop interagency agreements and public private partnerships.
In addition to public service, Pittman also has a passion for volunteering and enhancing the quality of life for those often underserved. She volunteers with local nonprofits that focus on making positive, impactful changes in the community.
Pittman earned a Bachelor of Arts from N.C. Agricultural and Technical University and a law degree from N.C. Central University School of Law.