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Wildflower Program

Wildflower Program

The N.C. Department of Transportation Wildflower Program began in 1985 as an integral part of highway beautification. Wildflower beds are installed and maintained across the state by Roadside Environmental personnel in each of the 14 highway divisions. Many of these beds are marked by NCDOT's wildflower sign.

NCDOT has published a booklet to identify the wildflowers planted by the Department as well as some naturally occurring ones. In addition to colorful photos of the various wildflowers, the booklet contains suggested seeding recommendations for homeowners and the installation techniques used by Roadside Environmental personnel on large acreages.

Remember, for your own safety, do not stop and pick the wildflowers.

More Information

Revenue from the sale of personalized license plates provides the principle source of funding for the Wildflower Program.

Direct contributions also help to support the program since 100 percent of such contributions are used for the program. Contributions can be made to the NCDOT.

Mail contributions to:

N.C. Department of Transportation
Roadside Environmental Unit
1557 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1540


Derek C. Smith

Roadside Environmental Engineer IV
Send Message

(919) 715-2554 (fax)

1557 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1557

Last updated Jul. 9, 2021