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Swat-A-Litterbug Logo
Littering North Carolina roadways is illegal and can result in fines for those that commit the offense. Some litterbugs simply need to be informed and reminded that littering – whether deliberate or unintentional – can end with a personal commitment to stop.

The N.C Department of Transportation’s Swat-A-Litterbug Program is for educational purposes and encourages the public to report people who litter in an effort to help make North Carolina roadways cleaner. The program provides every individual an opportunity to be an active participant in reducing litter on North Carolina roadways.

How to Report a Litterbug

The public can report those who litter by contacting NCDOT’s Litter Management Section by ​filling out an online report​ or calling 1-800-331-5864.

Use the App

Swat-A-Litterbug on the go with the new web application​. ​Follow the pop-up instructions, or go to the app’s setting’s page, to install a shortcut to your phone or tablet’s home screen.

Go to the App

What Happens Next?​​

Upon receipt of the reported information, NCDOT will mail the registered owner of the vehicle that was reported a notification that informs them about the littering offense, the penalties of littering and urges them to help keep North Carolina clean.


Kim Wheeless

Administrative Officer II
Send Message

1540 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1540

Last updated Feb. 20, 2024